Getting Started With Docker

The following prerequisites are required to get up and running with this tool:

  • Prometheus server’s rules directory and configuration file (prometheus.yml) must be shared and accessible
  • Prometheus lifecycle API must be enabled to allow requesting the /reload API

Getting started with Docker Compose

First, clone the project, and then start up the services with Docker Compose.

$ git clone
$ cd parosly/docs/examples/docker
$ docker compose up -d

After successfully starting up services, the Parosly server will be ready to accept requests.

Crating example alerting rule via API

POST /api/v1/rules


curl -i -XPOST 'http://localhost:5000/api/v1/rules' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
  "data": {
    "groups": [
        "name": "ServiceHealthAlerts",
        "rules": [
            "alert": "HighCPUUsage",
            "expr": "sum(rate(cpu_usage{job=\"webserver\"}[5m])) > 0.8",
            "for": "5m",
            "labels": {
              "severity": "warning"
            "annotations": {
              "summary": "High CPU Usage Detected",
              "description": "The CPU usage for the web server is {{ $value }}% for the last 5 minutes."


HTTP/1.1 201 Created
content-length: 99
content-type: application/json

{"status":"success","message":"The rule was created successfully","file":"453ee16d-6310-42e0-8d57-2857e27d250f.yml"}

Where the 453ee16d-6310-42e0-8d57-2857e27d250f.yml is the randomly generated filename created by the Parosly server.

Deleting alerting rule file via API

DELETE /api/v1/rules/{file}

Note that the filename in your example is different from the example below.


curl -i -XDELETE 'http://localhost:5000/api/v1/rules/453ee16d-6310-42e0-8d57-2857e27d250f.yml'


HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
content-type: application/json

You can find the complete API documentation here. Enjoy!

Further reading